
Attention citizens of Earth! We created out-of-this-world original content for the hit animated comedy, Futurama. Working closely with human executive producers, Matt Groening and David X. Cohen, we blasted out work ranging from short-form docs to interactive animated content through four seasons. Hypnotoad commands you to love it.


Attention citizens of Earth! We created out-of-this-world original content for the hit animated comedy, Futurama. Working closely with human executive producers, Matt Groening and David X. Cohen, we blasted out work ranging from short-form docs to interactive animated content through four seasons. Hypnotoad commands you to love it.


Attention citizens of Earth! We created out-of-this-world original content for the hit animated comedy, Futurama. Working closely with human executive producers, Matt Groening and David X. Cohen, we blasted out work ranging from short-form docs to interactive animated content through four seasons. Hypnotoad commands you to love it.


Attention citizens of Earth! We created out-of-this-world original content for the hit animated comedy, Futurama. Working closely with human executive producers, Matt Groening and David X. Cohen, we blasted out work ranging from short-form docs to interactive animated content through four seasons. Hypnotoad commands you to love it.


20th Century Fox, Reverb Productions


Art Direction, Motion Design, VFX


Art Director


20th Century Fox, Reverb Productions


Art Direction, Motion Design, VFX


Art Director


20th Century Fox, Reverb Productions


Art Direction, Motion Design, VFX


Art Director


20th Century Fox, Reverb Productions


Art Direction, Motion Design, VFX


Art Director

futurama volume 5
futurama volume 5
futurama volume 5
futurama volume 6
futurama volume 6
futurama volume 6
futurama volume 7
futurama volume 7
futurama volume 7
futurama volume 8
futurama volume 8
futurama volume 8
bender angry
bender angry
bender angry
bender angry
futurama artist sketches
futurama artist sketches
futurama artist sketches
futurama artist sketches
matt groening and professor farnsworth
futurama producer
futurama producer
futurama producer
futurama producer
vintage futurama
vintage futurama
vintage futurama
vintage futurama
futurama characters inside a terrarium
futurama characters inside a terrarium
futurama characters inside a terrarium
futurama characters inside a terrarium